Collectie: Fiists Up

Fiists Up: de nieuwe manier om je verdediging te trainen!
Het probleem is vaak dat mensen tijdens het trainen hun verdediging verlagen, vooral bij het trappen.
Fiists Up is de oplossing om je verdediging te trainen. Door het dragen van de Fiists Up trainingstool zul je zien dat tijdens het trainen je vuisten Up in de juiste positie staan.
  • Mijn zakelijke coach Nils

    This is one of the reasons why I have been working with Nils Janssens Personal & Business Performance Catalyst for a number of years.

    “There is a clear difference between people who do what they know and people who do what is necessary. Ultimately, the last are often more effective in all areas of their lives.”

    - Nils Janssens

  • Sovereign Order of St. John of Jerusalem, Knights Hospitaller 

    In 2014 I was invested as Knight of Honour and in 2017 as a Knight of Grace.

    The Sovereign Order of St. John of Jerusalem, Knights Hospitaller (Sovereign Order) is a Christian, chivalric, ecumenical and international community of members, who continue more than 900 years’ tradition of  helping the sick and the poor of all nationalities, races and creeds.

    Pro Fide, Pro Utilitate Hominum. 

    For Faith, For Service to Humanity.

  • The National Dutch Networking Day

    The National Dutch Networking Day - NNND is an event that is organised once a year for entrepreneurs, students and all other people in business. NNND sets a 'network' standard in the Netherlands and is an expert when it comes to effective and professional networking for everyone.

    By sharing knowledge and expertise we grow as a person and as an entrepreneur. Even the 'experienced' networker can extend his or her knowledge during this innovative day.

Public Speaking

Over the last five years, I've also developed a passion for public speaking about Networking.  

It’s a very effective way for me to share my accumulated knowledge and experiences related to business & networking.

If you have an interest in me speaking at your upcoming event, please provide your contact information via the link below. 

I can help you with 

  • Organising a successful Network Event.
  • Detailed training about Networking.
  • How INC. Networking can assist you in vastly expanding your business Network.

Let's schedule an appointment

Upcoming events where I have the opportunity to speak about Networking: 

11-01-2023 | INC. Networking | Drinks & Results Oisterwijk

Past events where I had the opportunity to speak about Networking:

  • 21-12-2022 | National Networking Company | Drinks & Results Tilburg
  • 30-11-2022 | National Networking Company | Drinks & Results Tilburg
  • 23-11-2022 | Training HAVO + VWO  "Netwerken doe je zo!" | Dongemond College Raamsdonksveer
  • 22-11-2022 | Training HAVO + VWO  "Netwerken doe je zo!" | Dongemond College Raamsdonksveer
  • 13-07-2022 | National Networking Company | Foodtruck & Results Tilburg 
  • 2022 | National Networking Company | Drinks & Results
  • 2021 | AIESEC Tilburg Networking 
  • 2021 | National Dutch Networking Day Online National & International Edition
  • 2021 | National Networking Company | Breakfast & Results
  • 2020 | National Networking Company | Drinks & Results
  • 2020 | AIESEC Tilburg Networking
  • 2019 | National Dutch Networking Day | Willem II Stadion Tilburg
  • 2019 | The Network Experience! New Years Edition | Willem II Stadion Tilburg
  • 2018 The Network Experience! International Edition | Faculty Club UvT
  • 2018 Interactieve presentatie landelijke Finovion bijeenkomst (

Ron Verheijen |  Finovion Tilburg

Goede rustige spreker die heldere en goede uitleg geeft met betrekking tot netwerken en social media. 

Zeer goed ontvangen door de Finovion leden.

  • The Network Experience! St. Maarten Edition | Holland House beach hotel St. Maarten
  • SMILE / St.Maarten Innovation Initiatives Industries Link-up event | University of St. Martin
  • Ton van de Ven on Dutch National TV - DWDD 08-09-2017
  • 1st National Dutch Networking Day  | National Dutch Networking Day | Willem II Stadion Tilburg
  • MPN Networking Festival
  • The Network Experience! International Edition
  • The Network Experience! Political Edition
  • The Network Experience! St. Maarten Edition
  • BitterBallenBorrel Tilburg
  • MPN Networking Event
  • Helicon Educations MBO Tilburg
  • Entrepreneurs association Haaren